Category Archives: Endless

A lot of my poems (c)151023 George Chris Michas

A lot of my poems
Are stories of sorts
I start somewhere like this
And end somewhere else
I start really small
Meander like a brook
Till the story’s a message
Till the reader
Gets hooked
I’ll write about dolphins
Horses and orcas
How they swim
Become friends
Find mates
Become families
Like I wish I could
For there’s always an element
Of me in my stories
What I want for me
Or maybe for you
Or maybe for both of us
Maybe for two
It’s ideal the ending
A crescendo climax
An ideal ending
Of conjecture and facts
I might make my home
By a stream in the woods
Looking out for bears
And fishing for food
Cranberries, boysenberries
Rabbits and ilk
I love antlered animals
I don’t want to eat crow
I know that that saying
Has meaning of sorts
I don’t know where it comes from
Why it means what it means
A man and a woman
And pretty soon three
A family for me
Has almost always been my dream
It started in Grade 2
At elementary school
A game boys chase the girls
Then the girls chase the boys
I suddenly realized
That when you grow up
You pair off that way
Grow up and get married
And start your family
You got to get work
To support your beautiful mate
Nowadays though
Both partners must work
To make ends meet
Families are smaller
All prices are so high
Inflation, pollution
Not everything
Is apple pie
Where I live is Canada
Way out on its West Coast
There’s islands and forests
Mountains and streams
In many ways it is
So ideal to me
The best place to live
On this our planet Earth
That we are polluting
Killing ourselves off
Killing off all life
No longer such rain
More and more desert
No grown crops remain
It’s rocks and it’s tundra
And taiga, less land
As oceans rise and take back
The land God gave us
When he divided the waters
To make land
Of course, that’s just one story
More people believe these days
In evolution a beginning
Not only of our planet home
But of the Universe itself
We are starting to think
There was Universe before Universe
It’s one continuity
Some believe in singularity
Where everything ceased
Then started again
I wonder
I think that lifeforms
Such as us and more
Figure out how to live through
Said singularity the Big Bang
It can’t be impossible
We are here
What would be the point of the Universe
Killing off all life
And starting again
We have just scratched the surface
It’s always that way
And this is the story
That I wrote today
What can I say?
This poem worked out THIS way